Aegon N.V. has today released its 2012 Annual Report and has filed its Annual Report on Form 20-F with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
[node:field_featured_media:entity:field_media_image]Aegon is also publishing its integrated 2012 Review. The Review provides a concise overview of Aegon's strategic objectives, business model, risk factors, governance, operating environment and financial performance. In addition, the Review provides insight into how Aegon is carrying-out its responsibilities toward its different stakeholders, and the impact of its operations on the broader community. The range of topics covered include customer loyalty, employee engagement, responsible investing and corporate citizenship.
An electronic version of Aegon's 2012 Annual Report, the 2012 Annual Report on Form 20-F and the 2012 Review is available here. Printed copies of the reports can also be ordered by completing an online form. Other documents related to Aegon's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM), including the agenda for the AGM, will be available as of April 3, 2013.