Cookie statement
Aegon Ltd. (‘Aegon’ or ‘’), having its registered office in Hamilton, Bermuda and it's principle place of business at The Hague, Aegonplein 50 (2591 TV), is a controller or joint controller for the processing of all personal and non-personal data within the scope of this cookie statement applicable to the website.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small files of letters and numbers that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a more efficient and enjoyable browsing experience and allows us to improve our site.
Aegon's use of cookies
Aegon uses the information collected through cookies, some cookies may process personal data. For further information on how we processes personal data, for which purposes and information about your rights as a data subject please read our Privacy Statement. Protection of your privacy is an important concern for Aegon. For the website we will therefore do everything possible to make sure that your privacy is protected and safeguarded.
By clicking on ‘Agree’ when the cookie banner is shown, you thereby give your consent to have the cookies placed on your device.
Type of cookies used on this website
We use the following types of cookies, for which more information can be found below including their purpose and expiry:
- Strictly Necessary Cookies
- Analytics Cookies
- Tailored Content Cookies
Strictly necessary cookies
These cookies are essential to make this website function correctly and enable you to use all website features. The website will not function properly without these cookies and are dropped automatically as a result.
These cookies expire either after a certain period (retention) or after a website session. Go to the Cookie Preference Center to view the individual cookies and its retention period.
Analytics cookies
These cookies enable us to capture limited analytics data to help us improve the user experience and are dropped automatically when visiting our website. No directly identifiable personal data is captured by the use of the cookies including the use of cookies owned by third parties like Google.
These cookies expire varies either after website session or up to two years. Go to the Cookie Preference Center (at the bottom of this page) to view the individual cookies and its retention period.
Tailored content cookies
These cookies allow us to store data such as whether you have accessed the site before and track choices you make while on the site. They also allow us to track how you interact with the website and any related emails to help us ensure we provide the most relevant and engaging information to you. These cookies, owned by third parties like Google Analytics, may involve collecting and processing personal data for analytical purposes.
These cookies can be turned on and off as desired and will not be placed without your consent. These cookies expire either after a certain period (retention. Go to the Cookie Preference Center to view the individual cookies and its retention period.
If you do not want any Cookies, apart from the strictly necessary ones, to be placed on your device, you can adjust this through the Cookie Preference Center.
Adjust cookie settings and deleting cookies
Alternatively, your Internet browser provides you with the option to reject/delete all or some cookies. This means you can adjust your browser settings to reject/delete Aegon and/or Aegon's third party cookies. However, by blocking all cookies (including Strictly Necessary Cookies), you may not be able to access or use all or part of our website.
Find out how to adjust the settings for different browsers:
This cookie statement was last updated on June 6, 2024.
To review and select cookies used on this website: