Government & policy affairs
Aegon advocates for issues and initiatives that we think will benefit our customers, employees, wider society and our businesses, and which are aligned with our vision of helping people live their best lives.
Our approach to advocacy
Our Global Government & Policy Affairs department aims to support regulators and lawmakers around the world. We advocate for people to have access to insurance and financial services, for people to be aware of opportunities for flexible employment in old age, and for governments to plan and provide for their citizens in an age of increasing longevity.
Registrations, contributions and memberships
Aegon is headquartered in the Netherlands. We are registered in the EU Transparency Register and adhere to the EU code of conduct for organizations engaged in EU policymaking and implementation.
Aegon's EU transparency register number is 627192514539-08
In the United States, our spending on advocacy is also a matter of public record. We report all our expenditures and contributions — including a record of what issues we have lobbied on — to the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Furthermore, Aegon has established a Political Action Committee (PAC), which pools voluntary contributions from employees to support candidates for elected legislative office. Officers from Transamerica, Aegon's US subsidiary, form the PAC Board, which approves contributions from the PAC fund. These are made to candidates — regardless of political party affiliation — who are in a position to support legislative policy impacting Aegon's business. As a company, we do not make donations to the PAC, political parties, governments, or candidates for public office.