Aegon has today published an updated Financial Supplement for the full-year 2020.
As the company is moving towards quarterly results disclosures as of the first quarter 2021, this document provides quarterly results comparatives for the four quarters of 2020. At the same time, the relevance of the disclosures is enhanced by including key performance indicators that are aligned with Aegon’s new strategy announced at the Capital Markets Day last December.
Specifically, the updated Financial Supplement provides a set of key performance indicators to provide insight on the realization of the strategic priorities in each of Aegon’s businesses. For Strategic Assets, the Growth Markets, and Asset Management, these indicators focus on growth and profitability. Capital generation and balance sheet strength are emphasized for Financial Assets.
Furthermore, the relevance of the disclosures is further enhanced by updating the definition of some performance indicators, by adjusting the lines of business views to better reflect the way the business is managed, and by aligning the terminology used for certain metrics to industry practice.
These changes should assist investors in following Aegon’s transformation, which is based on more strategic focus, better operational execution, higher quality of earnings and capital, and growing free cash flows.