To mark the UN International Day of Older Persons 2019, Aegon has asked people what they think are important features to create an age-friendly city.
As the UN theme this year is the Journey to Age Equality, we asked a wide range of people about their ideas of how we can develop cities that provide infrastructure to all ages.
The video was shot to highlight research conducted by our Aegon Center for Longevity & Retirement, which captures how people around the world are getting ready for retirement. With the UN theme this year, we asked people in Amsterdam: How can we develop age-friendly cities that provide infrastructure to all ages?
Need for a New Social Contract
Our latest retirement readiness report The New Social Contract: Empowering individuals in a transitioning world is based on the eighth annual Aegon Retirement Readiness survey of 14,400 workers and 1,600 retired people across Europe, the Americas, Asia and Australia.
We focus on the need for collective action by individuals, governments and employers to forge a new social contract for retirement. Globally, increasing longevity has gifted humanity with an extended period of life, which presents people with the opportunity to redefine their working years and time spent in retirement.
The report builds on last year's The New Social Contract: A blueprint for retirement in the 21st century which calls for the modernization of existing retirement systems and outlines nine essential design features based on the premise that everyone should have the opportunity to age with dignity.
Reimagining retirement
"As people are living longer than they have in the past, we need to reimagine what retirement means," says Mike Mansfield, Program Director at Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement. "Our planning must address both our finances and our health so that we can fully enjoy the retirement for which we have worked so hard."