Today, Aegon N.V. has published the agenda for its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) on Friday, May 17, 2019.
The agenda includes proposals to adopt the Annual Accounts 2018, and approve the final dividend for 2018 of EUR 0.15 per common share, which brings the total dividend for 2018 to EUR 0.29 per common share.
As previously announced, the Supervisory Board has proposed to reappoint Alex Wynaendts as Aegon's Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Executive Board for another term of four years as of May 17, 2019. It has also been proposed that Ben Noteboom be reappointed as a member of the Supervisory Board for another term of four years as of May 17, 2019.
Furthermore, the agenda includes a request for authorization to issue common shares for all purposes and limited to 10% of the issued capital with the possibility to exclude preemptive rights. In addition, the agenda includes a request for authorization to issue common shares in connection with a rights issue up to 25% of the issued capital, which may only be used if needed to safeguard or conserve Aegon's capital position.
More information can be found in the AGM Agenda.