Aegon announces that Supervisory Board member Antony Burgmans will resign from the Board per April 1, 2014 in order to comply with the Act on Management and Supervision (“Wet bestuur en toezicht”).
[node:field_featured_media:entity:field_media_image]Antony Burgmans (67), a Dutch citizen, served on Aegon's Supervisory Board from 2007 and also was a member of the Audit Committee.
On his reason for stepping down, Mr. Burgmans commented: "Reluctantly I resign from the Board of Aegon, a fine company I felt worth serving. However legal requirements leave me no other alternative."
Chairman Robert Routs stated: "Antony was a valuable member of our Board and his knowledge and expertise will be missed in both the Board as well as the Audit Committee. We are particularly thankful for his promotion of customer focus in our activities. We thank Antony for his commitment to Aegon."