Today, Aegon disclosed its supplemental report on Embedded Value 2005. The following is a clarification on the calculation applied in determining the Total embedded value (TEV) attributable to common shareholders per share.
[node:field_featured_media:entity:field_media_image]The reported TEV per common share amounted to EUR 12.61 (EUR 9.89 for 2004). This amount is based on the reported TEV attributable to common shareholders divided by the average number of outstanding shares in 2005 of 1,548 million shares adjusted for treasury stock (1,503 million for 2004). Using the number of shares outstanding at year-end 2005 of 1,576 million adjusted for treasury stock (1,523 million for 2004) the TEV per common share amounted to EUR 12.39 (EUR 9.76 for 2004).
This clarification is limited to the embedded value information per common share only. There is no effect on Aegon's reported results.