Today, Aegon N.V. has published the agenda for its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) to be held on Thursday, May 25, 2023.
The Executive Board will propose to the AGM that shareholders adopt the Annual Accounts 2022 and approve a final dividend for 2022 of EUR 0.12 per common share, which brings Aegon’s total dividend for 2022 to EUR 0.23 per common share.
The agenda also includes a proposal to reappoint Ms. Dona Young as member of the Supervisory Board for another term of two years until the end of the AGM to be held in 2025.
The AGM will be held in a hybrid manner. The terms of the company’s policy regarding the hybrid meeting of shareholders will be applicable to the AGM. More information on how to attend and all documentation relating to the 2023 AGM can be found here. A live stream of the AGM will be available at Aegon's corporate website.