Today, Aegon N.V. has published the Agenda and Shareholder Circular for its two upcoming Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders (EGM) on September 29 and September 30, 2023.
As announced on June 30, 2023, the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) informed Aegon that the BMA would become its group supervisor if Aegon were to transfer its legal seat to Bermuda. The purpose of the EGMs is to, therefore, approve the decision to move Aegon’s legal seat to Bermuda to facilitate the transfer of Aegon’s group supervision.
The first EGM will be held at 09:30 CET on September 29 at Aegon N.V.'s head office in The Hague, the Netherlands. The second EGM will be held at 09:30 CET on September 30 at the Luxembourg office of the law firm Arendt & Medernach SA. With respect to both EGMs, shareholders have the option to vote without attending the EGM.
A live stream of the Dutch EGM and an audio live stream of the Luxembourg EGM will be available at Aegon's corporate website.
More information on the EGMs and how to attend and vote, as well as all documentation relating to the EGMs, can be found here.